Preparing a high-quality sustianabity report not only allows enterprises to review and assess their social and environmental performance and governance performance, but can efficiently increase their reputations in the market. To the enterprises in Singapore, successfully applying for the relevant ESG Awards can help those who have achieved or wish to obtain the recognition from the industry and social sectors about their excellent performance on ESG management or reporting.

We, Greenco, have years’ experience in helping enterprises prepare high-quality ESG / sustainability reports, assisting our clients in entering / applying / nominating these awards below, and bolstering their credentials in the sustainability field.

Outstanding ESG Report & Performance

BDO ESG Awards

The BDO ESG Awards recognises outstanding listed companies in Hong Kong who have made a positive impact in the areas of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and implemented superb sustainability initiatives.
“Tsui Wah Holdings, one of the Best in ESG winners in the Small Market Capitalisation category, for example, has committed to operating low-emission kitchens and green purchasing in its food sourcing.“ – one of our clients made it to the Best in ESG winners award and being featured in SCMP press release.

Hong Kong ESG Reporting Awards

Hong Kong ESG Reporting Awards recognises ESG reporting leaders and celebrates their best practices. HERA is open to listed and non-listed companies in Hong Kong, Macau and Greater China who have exceptional practices in sustainability reporting. This scheme not only looks at the ESG performance but also the reporting writing aspects, such as transparency, communication and data disclosure.

Asset ESG Awards

The Asset ESG Awards are the longest running ESG awards in Asia bestowed annually by leading research house, Asset Benchmark Research (ABR). The Platinum, Gold and Titanium awards offer a rigorous benchmarking service for the region’s listed firms and enables them to join an exclusive circle of top corporates. The assessment is based on the evaluation of financial performance, management, corporate governance, social and environmental responsibility and investor relations. The awardees of The Asset ESG Awards 2019 will be honoured at a gala dinner hosted at the Four Seasons Hotel in Hong Kong.

Outstanding Social Performance

Industry Cares Recognition Scheme

The Industry Cares Recognition Scheme is an annual flagship programme organised by Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI)’s Committee on Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility, aiming to encourage enterprises to fulfil their corporate social responsibility (CSR), as well as incorporate CSR spirit and culture in their daily operations. The scheme judges on social impact, resources devoted, initiations, creating shared value, the total number of projects, participants and beneficiaries, as well as the sustainability of projects.

Sustainable Consumption Enterprise and Sustainable Product Suppliers Award

The Award Scheme organised by Business Environment Council (BEC) recognises outstanding companies and organisations participating in its Sustainable Consumption Recognition Scheme that consider the environmental and social impacts of the products and services they purchase, and their commitment to offering sustainable products and services.

Caring Company Logo

The Scheme is awarded by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) to recognise the company’s efforts in caring for the community, the employees, and the environment.

Family-Friendly Employers Award Scheme

The Award Scheme is initiated by the Home Affairs Bureau and the Family Council to give recognition to businesses and firms that demonstrate a family-friendly spirit and encourage them to implement family-friendly employment policies and practices. The Scheme judges on work-related policies and practices, employee and family benefits, employee and family care, and employee activities, etc.

Oustanding Environmental Performance

Hong Kong Green Awards

The Hong Kong Green Awards was first organised and staged by the Green Council in 2010 with the goal of formally identifying and recognising companies with exceptional performance on green purchasing and/or green management, incorporates with four awards categories: Green Purchaswi$e Award (GPA), Green Management Award (GMA) Environmental, Health and Safety Award (EHSA) and Corporate Green Governance Award (CGGA).

Green Office and Eco-Healthy Workplace Awards Labelling Scheme

To raise local business awareness of the global environmental challenges addressed by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG), the World Green Organisation (WGO) initiated a programme, namely Green Office Awards Labelling Scheme (GOALS) , to support offices and retailers to go Green in 8 stipulated aspects of operations, including energy conservation, water conservation, waste reduction, paperless, green procurement, integrated environmental management , education and awareness, and green innovation. Participating offices that demonstrate sufficient achievements in green workplace practices will be awarded with WGO’s Green Office Awards label, Eco-Healthy Workplace label together with a new Certificate with the United Nations PRME logo.

Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence

The Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (the HKAEE) is led by the Environmental Campaign Committee (ECC) , which aims to encourage organisations to implement environmental management, to measure organisations’ performance on their commitment to environmental management, and to recognise organisations with excellence performance on environmental management. The scheme consists of Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE), Hong Kong Green Innovations Awards (HKGIA) and Outstanding Green Achiever Commendation Scheme (OGACS).

Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification

The HKGOC consists of five Certificates, namely “Wastewi$e Certificate”, “Energywi$e Certificate”, “Productwi$e Certificate”, “IAQwi$e Certificate” and “Carbon Reduction Certificate”, which aims to benchmark green organisations with substantial achievement in green management, to encourage participants to adopt environmental practices in different aspects and to recognise their efforts and commitments to the environment. It is a prestigious certification scheme with high credibility. It also encourages participants to strive for self-improvement in specific environmental aspects.

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