As Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) regulations and disclosure requirements become more stringent, the collection, storage and analysis of ESG-related data are going to play a more important role in companies’ ESG management. To help companies collect and process a large number of various types of ESG information more conveniently, GreenCo has successfully developed and launched a new ESG Portal for the digital management of ESG data, which is one of the first digital ESG data platforms in Hong Kong that can be customized according to individual company’s needs.

GreenCo’s new ESG Portal is specially designed for the digital management of ESG data collection. Individual clients will have their own customized portal for management. This portal is perfect for companies with various geographical locations and companies that need to collect data from a large amount of branches or stores.

With our years of experience in helping our clients to prepare their annual ESG Report, we can see that some clients with diverse business segments and business locations need a lot of help in data collection as well as consolidation and processing of the scattered data. In view of this, riding on the trend of digitalization, we have developed the ESG Portal as a one-stop solution for our clients to better collect and handle their ESG data. We believe that by better managing the ESG data, companies can track their progress more easily and thereby allowing opportunities to enhance their ESG performance.

Max Tsang, Director of GreenCo

The new ESG Portal not only helps companies to collect ESG data in a more organized way, but can also help companies prepare for future regulatory updates such as independent assurance of the annual ESG report. With the ESG Portal, all ESG data are collected and saved on the server. Whenever audit evidence is needed, clients can simply export the data saved with the submission personnel and submission data clearly logged, resulting in easy reporting and auditability.

Stephanie Chan, seasoned consultant of GreenCo

As the world is moving away from the traditional way of data processing that involves loads of paper forms and spreadsheets, GreenCo hopes that this launch of the ESG Portal can help its clients to transit towards a more sustainable digitalized future.

For more details, please refer to the Brochure and visit our ESG public portal.

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