The United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) is an international network of investors working together to incorporate sustainability into their investment decision-making and ownership practices.
UNPRI encourages investors to adopt responsible investment practices that consider environmental, social and governance issues.
The six Principles for Responsible Investment, which were developed by investors for investors, offer a menu of possible actions for incorporating ESG issues into investment practice.
Principle 1: We will incorporate ESG issues into investment analysis and decision-making processes.
Principle 2: We will be active owners and incorporate ESG issues into our ownership policies and practices. Principle 3: We will seek appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the entities in which we invest. Principle 4: We will promote acceptance and implementation of the Principles within the investment industry. Principle 5: We will work together to enhance our effectiveness in implementing the Principles. Principle 6: We will each report on our activities and progress towards implementing the Principles. |
Becoming a PRI signatory means committing to the above principles and contributing to the development of a more sustainable global financial system. PRI signatories are required to report publicly on their responsible investment activities each year in accordance with the latest Reporting Framework published within the reporting window. It is a process where signatories disclose their implementation of responsible investment practices and their progress in integrating ESG factors into their investment decision-making processes. UNPRI reporting helps them communicate their commitment to responsible investment practices, compare their performance with peers, and identify areas for improvement.
The 2023 Reporting Framework
The Reporting Framework is comprised of 12 modules, with CORE (mandatory to report, public, assessed, closed-ended) and PLUS (voluntary to report, public or private, not assessed, closed and open-ended) indicators. Requirements for mandatory modules will depend on the type of signatory (asset owner / investment manager).
For disclosure on asset class modules and certain indicators, it is only mandatory to report for signatories that have either 10% of their Asset Under Management (AUM) or US$10 billion or more associated with the certain aspects in the relevant reporting year.
In 2023, the reporting cycle is as follow, during which signatories can choose a 12-month period to report on. It is recommended for signatories to keep the year-end date of the 12-month period they choose to report for PRI reporting consistent across years, so as to enable more accurate data analysis and comparison of scores across years.
What GreenCo can do for you
At GreenCo, we understand the importance of UNPRI reporting and the challenges involved in implementing responsible investment practices, including setting up relevant responsible investment policies and procedures. Reckoning that there are a lot of financial instituitions including fund / asset managers in Singapore, we provide comprehensive UNPRI reporting services that help them accurately report their ESG performance and improve their scores under the PRI’s Reporting Framework. Our UNPRI reporting services also cover a wide range policies review and enhancement, including climate change, human rights and labour standards, thereby helping them identify areas for improvement while comparing their performance with peers.
Our team of experts has extensive experience in UNPRI reporting and can help investing companies navigate the complexities of the reporting process. We work closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and provide tailored solutions that meet their specific requirements in Singapore. Contact us to learn more about how we can help your company accomplish UNPRI reporting requirements.