ISO 9001 Certified in ESG Reporting and Climate Policy Advisory

Materiality Assessment

GreenCo’s Two-Step Approach to Empowering Sustainability Insights

As a professional sustainability consultant, GreenCo is pleased to share an update on our recent work with a client to conduct a comprehensive materiality assessment. For this project, we employed a two-pronged approach to gathering robust stakeholder insights.

2024-07-12T09:41:15+08:00July 12th, 2024|Categories: GreenCo ESG Updates|Tags: , |

GreenCo Helps a Listed Company Conduct Materiality Assessment

Sustainability has become an increasingly important metric of corporate performance, and materiality assessment is a well-established tool for measuring it. GreenCo empowers clients to effectively identify material ESG issues so that they are well prepared for the rapidly changing business environment.

2024-05-31T16:25:14+08:00May 31st, 2024|Categories: GreenCo ESG Updates|Tags: |

GreenCo Completes an ESG Report for a Non-listed Company, Paving the Way for Emerging ESG Trends

In recent years, private companies have started to be aware of the increasing importance of ESG and Sustianability in the market. With growing demands on ESG-related disclosure from both the government and the general public, there is a potential for changes in laws and regulations, which may impact a company’s readiness towards relevant disclosures.

2023-10-27T11:35:22+08:00September 5th, 2023|Categories: GreenCo ESG Updates|Tags: , |
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